There are 2 ways to order your irises, using the Shopping Cart on the website or mailing an order to our garden.
To order using the website, click on the iris you wish to purchase, indicate the number of divisions you would like and repeat until you have completed your list. Then click on the shopping cart and follow instructions until you have paid for the shipment. You will receive an automated confirmation email, followed by an email from Patrick giving you the expected ship date.
To order by mail, print out our Order Form, fill it out by hand and mail it with a check to the address on the form.
All of our irises are field grown and will be dug and shipped at the proper planting time.
If you would prefer a different shipping date than we tell you, contact Patrick to work out a date that will work for both you and the irises. Almost anything is possible with the right planning.
Bearded Species Irises:
Bearded Species Irises will ship in late July or early August.
If your order also includes Beardless Irises, they will be shipped at this time as well.
If your order includes Spurias, then the order will be shipped in early September.
We can ship Beardless Irises and Spurias separately at your request, but will need to charge additional shipping.
Bearded Iris sales close July 31st.
Beardless Irises:
All Beardless Iris orders received before April 30th will be shipped by the end of May. Shipping will begin as soon as the irises are ready, typically the last week of April.
All Beardless Iris orders received after April 30th will be shipped in the fall, unless there are Bearded Irises on the order (see above).
Spuria Iris can only be shipped after the 1st of September. Our experience shows they will not survive transplant at any other time. Any orders including Spurias will only ship in the fall.
Beardless Iris sales close August 31st.
Split shipments are possible but may require a second shipping fee. Contact Patrick for details.
To contact Patrick:
Email: Patrick@CascadiaIrisGardens.com
Call: 425-770-5984