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Spuria Irises are probably the most under-appreciated Iris in the genus.

With a minimum of care and at least 6 hours of good sunshine, these beauties could be the garden star you have been looking for.

With sizes ranging from under 12 inches (I. sintenisii) to nearly 6 feet tall (Shelford Giant), there is a Spuria Iris for any sunny opening in your garden. They also come in a wide range of colors including yellow, blue, brown, and red-ish. The smaller species make nice compact clumps that bloom profusely. The taller hybrids tend to meander, so give them plenty of room.

Spuria Iris make excellent cut flowers.

Cut just before the first bud unfolds. Each bud on the stem will open in succession. The flower stalk is long-lasting once cut, remaining attractive up to 2 weeks in a vase. Spuria iris are also hummingbird and butterfly attractors. Please see the Growing Instructions for more information.

Spurias resent being tansplanted anytime other than fall. If you add Sputia Iris to your order, please note that we will ship the entire order in September.

I. graminea
I. graminea
I. kerneriana
I. kerneriana
I. orientalis
I. orientalis
I. sintenisii
I. sintenisii
I. spuria ssp. carthaliniae
I. spuria ssp. carthaliniae
I. spuria ssp. carthaliniae 'Georgian Delicacy'
I. spuria ssp. carthaliniae 'Georgian Delicacy'
I. spuria ssp. maritima
I. spuria ssp. maritima
I. spuria ssp. monnieri
I. spuria ssp. monnieri
I. spuria ssp. spuria var. Danica
I. spuria ssp. spuria var. Danica
I. xanthospuria
I. xanthospuria
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